CMJ Grubb

Pep Talk

This stuff is hard. Don't get discouraged because you don't get it right away.

Back when the world was young, I had thought about being a computer science major in college. I took an intro CS class that taught Fortran, and decided that I didn't have the knack, eventually becoming an English literature major.

Fast forward five years, and I'm looking for a career change. (Surprise! Surprise!) My dad turns me onto networking. As I'm forging my career in IT, I think of programmers as real IT that I'm not smart enough for. After looking around a little, though, I begin to think that maybe I can do it, and furthermore, I think it might be what I really want to do.

I return to the community college where I orchestrated my career change into networking, and I get a software developer certificate. Pardon the meander, but here's my point: I still struggled with programming. I have yet to have that magic aha moment where I, all of a sudden, start "thinking like a programmer," despite getting straight A's and being the model student. Most of my classmates struggled more than I did, and I still don't get it.

I will, though, and you will, too. Stick with it. Don't overanalyze it. Just shut up and code.
